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Jungyoon Song

E-mail : song0326@snu.ac.kr 


I am a Ph.D candidate at Seoul National University. My research interests and specialties are focused on DATA-DRIVEN ANALYTICS with emphasis on the Time series forecasting with deep learning, Econophysics, financial-engineering and applications of these areas in “Crisis management, Trend prediction, Financial market volatility and other topics related to business analytics”.


Ph.D : Department of Industrial Engineering, Seoul national University, 2019.03~present

M.S : Department of Industrial Engineering, Seoul national University, 2017.03~2019.02

B.S : Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Korea University, 2011.03~2017.02


Song, J., Chang, W., & Song, J. W. (2025). NQF-RNN: probabilistic forecasting via neural quantile function-based recurrent neural networks. Applied Intelligence55(2), 183. <Link> 

Song, J. Y., Chang, W., & Song, J. W. (2019). Cluster analysis on the structure of the cryptocurrency market via Bitcoin–Ethereum filtering. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 527, 121339.  <Link>